Collagen Proteins, the building blocks of life. Collagens serve as major structural proteins in numerous tissues of the body. Read More Gerry Byrne24 November 2020GoNutroComment
Exogenous ketones and a ketogenic diet Exogenous ketones and a ketogenic diet. Read More Gerry Byrne10 November 2020 Comment
Don’t blame Healthy Fat for what Sugar does Wellness, Nutrition, health, ketoGerry Byrne30 June 2020Health, LCHF, kETOComment
β-hydroxybutyrate effects on aging. health, Nutrition, WellnessGerry Byrne29 April 2020Health, ANTI-AGING, NutritionComment
MCTs and their Ketogenic effect on Metabolism health, Nutrition, keto, ProteinGerry Byrne11 March 2020LCHF, kETO, mct, KetogenicComment
Starting a Keto Diet? Nutrition, Protein, hEALTH, health, ketoGerry Byrne9 January 2020Ketosis, KETO, Health, DietComment